Faith Formation Registration for 2024-2025

Registro de Formación de Fe (CCE) para 2024-2025

Please Read Thoroughly

  • Families are required to register and be an active parishioner at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church.
  • A copy of the Baptismal Certificate is required at registration.
  • Faith Formation classes begin in August (Please check the bulletin and website for dates to be announced).
  • Forms are to be completed and signed.  Fees are due at registration. Children are to be registered each year.
  • CCE students in the 2nd grade and up who have completed the first year of CCE with good attendance record will begin second year Faith Formation and preparation for Reconciliation & First Communion.

Fees: Cash or Checks payable to Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church.  Fees must be paid in full.

Please do not let financial hardship delay registration. Payment plans and scholarships are available, please contact the office. 713-673-5600


  • Grade PK-8 - Sundays 9:00AM -10:15AM

  • Confirmation (Grade 9-12) |

  • Confirmation Year One: TBA (Saturdays, 10:30am-11:30am)

  • Confirmation Year Two: Sundays, 9:00am - 10:15am

  • All classes will be in person.

Tuition Fees (No Refunds)

For active members: Registration fee applies until August 18, 2024.

A $25 late fee will be applied after 8/25/2024

$ 80 for 1 child

$ 125 for 2 children       

$ 150 for 3 or more children

Confirmation Year 1 & Year 2 : $150 per student

Non-member of Parish

Register HERE as new member.

1 Child: $125.00               

2 Children:  $150.00           

3 or more Children: $175.00

Confirmation Year 1 & Year 2 : $200 per student

Make checks payable to: 


Pay thru Online Giving OR visit Parish Office to make payment:

Pay Here

Please complete the Registration Form below. 

Si necesita la forma de registro en Español, puede cambiar de idioma en la parte superior de la página, lado izquierdo.

CCE Registration 2024-2025

By registering your child(ren) for faith formation you give permission to the parish to provide its catechists with access to your child(ren) for the purpose of catechesis.  All catechists have been cleared by the Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth

Protection to work with minors and have completed all required safe environment training.

My child(ren) listed above has/have my permission to attend Faith Formation education at  Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church.

As a parent in support of Faith Formation Programs of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church,  

I promise to make every effort to: 

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